Shape Grammar Implementations
1Shepard-Metzler AnalysisGips1975Gips J (1975) Shape Grammars and their Uses - Artificial Perception, Shape Generation and Computer Aesthetics. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel und Stuttgart
2Simple InterpreterGips1975Gips J (1975) Shape Grammars and their Uses - Artificial Perception, Shape Generation and Computer Aesthetics. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel und Stuttgart
3Shape Grammar InterpreterKrishnamurti1982Krishnamurti R (1982) SGI: a shape grammar interpreter. Centre for Configurational Studies, Milton Keys, UK: The Open University
4Shape Grammar InterpreterKrishnamurti & Giraud1986Krishnamurti R, Giraud C (1986) Towards a shape editor: the implementation of a shape generation system. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 13(4), 391–404
5Queen Anne Houses GrammarFlemming1987Flemming U (1986) More than the sum of parts: the grammar of Queen Anne houses. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 14, 323–350
6SEEDFlemming & Woodbury1987Flemming U, Woodbury R (1995) Software Environment to Support Early Phase in Building Design
7Topdown systemMitchell, Liggett & Tan1988Mitchell W, Liggett RS, Tan M (1988) TheTopdown System and its Use in Teaching - An Exploration of Structured, Knowledge-based Design. Proceedings of Association of Computer-aided Design in Architecture Workshop '88
8Shape Grammar SystemChase1989Chase SC (1989) Shapes and shape grammars: from mathematical model to computer implementation. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 16, 215–242
9Genesis (CMU)Heisserman1991Heisserman JA (1991) Generative Geometric Design and Boundary Solid Grammars. Pennsylvania, USA: Carnegie-Mellon University
10GRAILKrishnamurti1992Krishnamurti R (1992) The Arithmetic of Maximal Planes. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 19. 431-464
11GrammaticaCarlson1993Carlson C (1993) Describing Spaces of Rectangular Dissections via Grammatical Programming. Conference Proceedings, CAAD Futures ‘93, 143-158
12Genesis (Boeing)Heisserman1994Heisserman J (1994) Generative Geometric Design. IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl. 14, 2, 37–45
13Rubikon-GRAILStouffs1994Stouffs R (1994) The Algebra of Shapes. Pennsylvania, USA: Carnegie-Mellon University
14Shape Grammar EditorShelden1996NA (cited by Gips in 1999)
15Implementation of Basic GrammarsDuarte & Simondetti1997Simondetti A (1997) Rapid prototyping in early stages of architectural design. Massachusetts, USA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
163D Shape GrammarPiazzalunga & Fitzhorn1998Piazzalunga U, Fitzhora P (1998) Note on a Three-dimensional Shape Grammar Interpreter. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 25, 11-30
17SG ClipChien1998Chien SF, Synder JD, Tsai WJ (1998) SG-Clip: A System to Support the Automatic Generation of Designs from Grammar. Conference Proceedin, CAADRIA ‘98
18Coffee Maker GrammarAgarwal & Cagan1998Agarwal M, Cagan J (1998) A Blend of Different Tastes: The Language of Coffeemakers. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 25, 205-226
19GEditTapia1999Tapia M (1999) A visual implementation of a shape grammar system. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 26, 59-73
203D ShaperWang & Knight1999Wang Y (1998) 3D Architecture Form Synthesizer. Massachusetts, USA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
21MEMS GrammarAgarwal, Cagan & Stiny2000Agarwal M, Cagan J, Stiny G (2000) A Micro Language: Generating MEMS Resonators by Using a Coupled Form - Function Shape Grammar. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 27, 615-626
22Shaper2DMcGill2001McGill MC (2001) A Visual Approach for Exploring Computational Design. Massachusetts, USA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
23CityEngineMueller2001Parish YIH, Mueller P (2001) Procedural Modeling of Cities. Proceedings of the 28th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques. 2001
24Harley DavidsonPugliese & Cagan2002Pugliese MJ, Cagan J (2002) Capturing a rebel: modeling the Harley-Davidson brand through a motorcycle shape grammar. Res Eng Design 13, 139–15
25Grammar Use and InteractionChase2002Chase C (2002) A model for user interaction in grammar-based design systems. Automation in Construction, Volume 11, Issue 2, 161-172
26EifFormShea2002Shea, K (2000) EifForm: a generative structural design system. In: The 2000 ACSA Technology Conference: The Intersection of Design and Technology, 2000-7-14 to 2000-7-17, 87-92
27A Simulated Shape Grammar Yingzao FashiLi2002Li IKA (2002) A Prototype Interactive Simulated Shape Grammar. in Koszewski K and Wrona S (eds), Design e-ducation: Connecting the Real and the Virtual, eCAADe, Warsaw, 314-317
283D Architecture Form Synthesizer 3D ShaperWang & Duarte2002Wang Y, Duarte JP (2002) Automatic generation and fabrication of designs. Automation in construction 11.3, 2002: 291-302.
29Parametric Shape Grammar InterpreterMcCormack & Cagan2002McCormack JP, Cagan J (2002) Supporting Designers' Hierarchies through Parametric Shape Recognition. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 29, 913-931
30Buick GrammarMcCormack & Cagan2004McCormack JP, Cagan J (2004) Speaking the Buick language: capturing, understanding, and exploring brand identity with shape grammars. Design Studies, Volume 25, Issue 1, 1-29
31Shape Grammar Implementation U13Chau2004Chen X, McKay A,Pennington A, Chau HH (2004) Package Shape Design Principles to Support Brand Identity. 14th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging, Stockholm, Sweden
32Coca-Cola GrammarChau2004Chau HH, Chen X, Mckay A, Pennington A (2004) Evaluation of a 3D Shape Grammar Implementation. In Gero J (ed), Design Computation and Cognition '04, 357-376
33Computational Environment for LearningWong & Cho2004Wong WK, Cho CT (2004) A Computational Environment for Learning: Basic Shape Grammars. International Conference on Computers in Education '04, 287-292
34MALAGDuarte2005Duarte JP (2005) A Discursive Grammar for Customizing Mass Housing The case of Siza´s houses at Malagueira, Conference Proceedings, eCAADe 21, 665-674
35Shape Designer V.2Wong2005Wong WK, Wang WY, Chen BY, Yin SK (2005) Designing 2D and 3D shape grammars with logic programming. In 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Taiwan.
36Bracket SystemWu2005Wu Q (2005) Bracket Teaching Program: A Shape Grammar Interpreter. Automation in Construction Vol 14, Issue 6, 716-723
37Curve-based SGIMcCormack & Cagan2006McCormack JP, Cagan J (2006) Curve-based Shape Matching: Supporting Designers' Hierarchies through Parametric Shape Recognition of Arbitrary Geometry. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 33, 523-540
38Cross-over Vehicle GrammarOsborn et al.2006Orsborn S, Cagan J, Pawlicki R, Smith R (2006) Creating cross-over vehicles: Defining and combining vehicle classes using shape grammars. AI EDAM. 20. 217-246
39Implementation of Description GrammarCorreia & Duarte2006Duarte JP, Correia R (2006) Implementing a Description Grammar: Generating Housing Programs Online. Construction Innovation 6, 203–216
40Marrakech Medina GrammarDuarte, Rocha & Soares2007Duarte JP, Rocha J, Soares G (2007) Unveiling the Structure of the Marrakech Medina: A Shape Grammar and an Interpreter for Generating Urban Form. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 21(4), 317-349
41Baltimore Row-houseAksamija2007Grobler F, Aksamija A, Kim H, Krishnamurti R, Yue K, Hickerson C (2007). Ontologies and Shape Grammars: Communication between Knowledge-Based and Generative Systems.
42Tibet Tangka GrammarZhang & Lin2008Zhang W and Lin S (2008) Research on Tibet Tangka based on shape grammar. In 2008 9th International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design. IEEE, 373–376
43Classique Ottoman MosquesGorgul & Sener2008Gorgul E, Sener SM (2008) A Shape Grammar Algorithm and Educational Software to Analyze Classic Ottoman Mosques. A|Z ITU Journal of Faculty of Architecture. 5. 12-30.
44Humanoid GrammarFiedler & Ilčík2009Fiedler S and Ilčík M (2009) Procedural Human Posing Using CGA Grammars
45Urban Grammar for PraiaBeirao et al.2009Beirão J, Duarte JP and Stouffs R (2009) An Urban Grammar for Praia: Towards Generic Shape Grammars for Urban Design. In Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design, 27th eCAADe Conference Proceedings, Istanbul, Turkey, 575–584
46Grammar EnvironmentLi, Chau, Chen & Wang2009Li A IK, Chau HH, Chen L, Wang Y (2009) A Prototype System for Developing Two- and Three-dimensional Shape Grammars. Conference proceeding, CAADRIA, 717–726.
47SGMP (for CNC Router)Ertelt & Shea2009Ertelt C (2012) Generative Design-to-Fabrication Automation using Spatial Grammars and Heuristic Search. PhD Thesis, TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN
48Parametric SG InterpreterYue, Krishnamurti & Grobler2009Yue K, Krishnamurti R, Grobler F (2009) Computation-friendly Shape Grammars - Detailed by a Sub-framework over Parametric 2D Rectangular Shapes. Tidafi T and Dorta T (eds) Joining Languages, Cultures and Visions: CAADFutures '09, 757- 770.
49Shape Grammar and Augmented RealityChen2009Chen IR, Wang X, Wang W (2009) Bridging shape grammar and Tangible Augmented Reality into collaborative design learning. 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Santiago, 468-473
50GraphSynthCampbell2009Campbell M (2009) A Graph Grammar Methodology for Generative Systems. Texas, USA: University of Texas at Austin
51Shape Design V.2 - SGITrescak2009Trescak T, Rodriguez SI, Esteva M (2009) General Shape Grammar Interpreter for Intelligent Designs Generations. 235-240
52SD2Jowers2010Jowers I, Hogg D, Mckay A, Chau HH, Pennington A (2010) Shape Detection with Vision: Implementing Shape Grammars in Conceptual Design. Research in Engineering Design. 21. 235-247
53Embedded Shape DetectorKeles, Ozkar & Tari2010Keles HY, Ozkar M, Tari S (2010) Embedding Shapes without Predefined Parts. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 37, 664-681
54Design Synthesis and Shape GenerationMcKay et al.2011Mckay A, Jowers I, Chau HH, de Pennington A, Hogg D (2011) Computer-aided design synthesis: An application of shape grammars. Int. J. of Product Development. 13. 4-15
55QIJowers2011Jowers I, Earl CF (2011) Implementation of Curved Shape Grammars. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 38, 616-635
56Thonet Chair GrammarBarros2011Barros M, Duarte JP, Chaparro B (2011) Thonet Chair Design Grammar: A Step Towards the Mass Customization of Furniture. CAAD Futures '11, 181-200
57SG Parsing via Reinforcement LearningTeboul2011Teboul O, Kokkinos I, Simon L, Koutsourakis P, Paragios N (2011) Shape grammar parsing via reinforcement learning. InCVPR 2011 20, IEEE, 2273-2280
58Visual Interactive 3D Spatial GrammarHoisl & Shea2011Hoisl F, Shea K (2011) An Interactive, Visual Approach to Developing and Applying Parametric Three-dimensional Spatial Grammars. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 25, 333–356
59Digital Camera GrammarLee et al.2012Lee HC, Herawan T and Noraziah A (2012) Evolutionary grammars based design framework for product innovation. Procedia Technology 1, 132–136
60Weighted Shape EmbeddingKeles, Ozkar & Tari2012Keles HY, Ozkar M, Tari S (2012) Weighted Shapes for Embedding Perceived Wholes. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 39, 360-375
61GRAPPAGrasl2012Grasl T (2012) Transformational Palladians. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 39, 1, 83-95
62SGI for Rectilinear FormsTrescak, Esteva & Rodriguez2012Trescak T, Esteva M, Rodríguez I (2012) A shape grammar interpreter for rectilinear forms. Comput. Aided Des. 44, 657-670
63DESIGNACorreia2013Correia RC (2013) DESIGNA—A shape grammar interpreter. MSc thesis, Instituto Superior Te´cnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal.
64Shape Grammar ImplementationStrobbe2013Strobbe T, De Meyer R, Van Campenhout J (2013) A generative approach towards performance-based design. In Computation and Performance, Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference, 627–634
65GRAPE: U12 and U13 SG InterpreterGrasl & Economou2013Grasl T, Economou A (2013) From Topologies to Shapes: Parametric Shape Grammars Implemented by Graphs. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 40, 905 – 922
66ShaDeRuiz-Montiel2014Ruiz-Montiel M, Belmonte MV, Boned J, Mandow L, Millán E, Badillo AR, Pérez JL (2014) Layered shape grammars. Computer-Aided Design, 56, 114–119
67Rabo-de-Bacalhau GrammarEloy, Duarte & Strobbe2016Strobbe T, Eloy S, Pauwels P, Verstraeten R, de Meyer R, van Campenhout J (2016) A graph-theoretic implementation of the Rabo-de-Bacalhau transformation grammar. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing 30(2), 138–158
68SortAL GIDy & Stouffs2017Dy B, Stouffs R (2018) Combining geometries and descriptions: a shape grammar plug-in for Grasshopper. eCAADe 2018, Lodz, Poland, Vol 2, 499-508
69GRAPE: Agent-based Rule DecisionGrasl & Economou2018Grasl T, Economou A (2018) From Shapes to Topologies and Back: An Introduction to A General Parametric Shape Grammar Interpreter. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing 32, 208–224.
70Multipurpose Chair GrammarGarcia & Letao2018Garcia S and Romão L (2015) A design tool for generic multipurpose chair design. In Celani G, Sperling D and Franco J (eds). Computer-Aided Architectural Design: The Next City – New Technologies and the Future of the Built Environment: 16th International Conference, CAAD Futures '15, 600–619
71Dirksen GrammarPark & Economou2019Park J, Economou A (2019) The Dirksen Grammar: A Generative Description of Mies van der Rohe’s Courthouse Design Language. Nexus Network Journal
72PortminoLigler & Economou2019Ligler H, Economou A (2019) From Drawing Shapes to Scripting Shapes: Architectural Theory Mediated by Shape Machine. Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture + Urban Design (SimAUD)